Unique Features
What makes us different?
SRP Vaccine Technology
SRP (Siderophore Receptor and Porin) Vaccine Technology in our breeding stock provides multi serotype salmonella protection in poults through maternal (acquired) immunity. Developed by Epitopix solely for use by Select Genetics we are the only turkey breeder in the world with access to SRP Technology.

Sustained Release Vaccine (SRV)
Developed by Life-Science Innovations (LSI) in conjunction with Epitopix, Select Genetics provides the first sustained release vaccine platform. The SRV allows day of age vaccinations to be administered and then proceeds over several weeks to release antigens as each birds immune system matures. This ultimately ensures a strong immune response to these antigens. Currently Select Genetics can offer this protection against E. coli and Hemorrhagic Enteritis (HE) with additional products against Newcastle and Bordetella underway.
With over 70 years in the turkey breeding and hatching industry we have the most experienced breeding and hatching operations team in the industry.
Select Genetics
Trucks and trailers specifically designed to optimize poult transportation conditions allow us to deliver poults across the United States. We have the ability to transport our birds long distances in an equivalent environment of a hatchery.